Sunday, June 14, 2009

if I can get the price of this car down to $---, will you buy it?

Yesterday I went to look at cars. I've been driving a Chrysler 300 for about 10 months and I really miss the Jeep that I was driving before. So, I test drove another Jeep. It was great. I loved it. My salesman was doing just great. Then they did that tag team thing where another guy comes out. This new guy asked me, "If I can get the price of this car down to $---, will you buy it?" I answered, "Probably." That wasn't good enough. He talked for a few minutes, saying nothing that made any sense to me. Then he asked me the question again. I answered, "That is the price I am comfortable with, but I am not committing to a purchase until you actually offer it to me at that price." Again, that wasn't good enough. He started talking again - using a lot of car salesman language that made no sense to me. I looked at the original salesman and asked, "Why is it important for me to answer "yes" to this question?" He didn't answer. Instead, the new guy started talking again. I held up my hand. I said, "I don't understand why you are still sitting here talking instead of going to see if you can make this deal." He answered, "I need your committment first." I picked up my purse and stood up. I turned back to the original salesman and said, "I have plans tonight and I have to work tomorrow. If I'm going to buy a new car today, it will need to be in the next 90 minutes." Then I left.


  1. Good Girl! I absolutely abhor the car game thing you were describing... My husband and I have sat on the buying side of the desk (or table) that you wrote about and as soon as we sensed the crazy negotiations that seemed designed to reduce us to mere begging idiots we've likewise walked out saying, we'd like to buy the car, but don't really have time or patience for these games! My husband build/sells homes and we've often laughed at the thought of using the same kind of "tactics" in selling a house.
    How ridiculous!

  2. You succeeded! If they are legit, they'll writethe deal using your numbers not theirs, and offer for you to return for a no hassle closure, with free oil changes or tires or something thrown in as a show of good faith. There is always always always another dealership and another deal. You did the right thing.

    That said, how about a Highlander? We have a base model 2004 with the 4 cyl engine- no AWD- and its got everything we needed/wanted. And a respectful local sales staff.

    Don't play their game.

    Proud of you, gal.

  3. Bravo! Don't give in to their manipulative games. I absolutely hate the car buying process because I think they don't respect women and try to jerk you around. (Thank goodness I have a husband that doesn't get irritated with negotiating for a car!) Have you ever driven a Subaru? If you're in the market, try a Forester. I've owned an Outback Sport for 6 years and love it.

  4. we need the rest of the story!
