We arrived in Charlotte, NC at close to noon. My sister and her husband were flying in from Newark, NJ, and were scheduled to land at almost the same time. My father and stepmother were flying in from Philadelphia, PA and were also scheduled to land at almost the same time. None of that was planned. It just worked out that way! I called Daddy when we landed and got voicemail. Then I called Lenore and John. They were at the rental counter. I was renting from Avis, so I told them I would call them from the road. Once we got out on the road, I called them. We decided to meet for lunch. A call to Daddy yielded that they were right behind us, so we told them where we were meeting. All of us arrived at more or less the same time - hugs and kisses all around.
My brother-in-law, John, is battling prostate cancer. His is a particularly virulent strain. At the time that we arrived in NC, he was a few days out from his 2nd chemotherapy treatment. He looked a little rough. My sister has surprised us all with her strength as she handled the strain of her husband's illness and potential death. She has been dependent on him for many years and the role reversal has been hard on both of them.

After lunch, we jumped into our three rental cars and took off for the mountains. My father's extended family has been summering in Montreat, NC since 1906. Several of the "cottages" owned by the family are over 100 years old. Large numbers of family always gather for the July 4th weekend. I rented a five bedroom lodge for the weekend, but it wasn't available until Saturday night. So, On Friday night, we stayed at the Super 8.
After we all got checked in, Daddy wanted to go over to his brother's house. Uncle Harry is 88 years old. Their father lived to be 91 and their mother lived to be 99, so the family expected a similar pattern for my father and his two brothers and two sisters. But we were all suprised to lose both sisters within the last two years. Then one brother died last year.Now Daddy, at 84 and his brother Harry are the last of their generation. Daddy is very active. But Uncle Harry is pretty frail. My Aunt Lella (Harry's wife) is still fairly spry, though.
Dad, Emily Jean, Sam and I all drove over to visit with Uncle Harry and Aunt Lella. John and Lenore stayed at the motel to rest from the trip. Uncle Harry's house is one of the newer houses and is located on North Carolina Terrace across the street from two of the older houses, now owned by my cousins, daughters of Aunt Kitty who was the older sister of my father. When we arrived, Harry and Lella's youngest daughter, Nancy, answered the door along with Aunt Lella. Nancy is a few years younger than me. She looked fabulous. We all went out on the back porch where Uncle Harry was already sitting.
Aunt Lella raised her children to be gracious, well-mannered Southern ladies and gentlemen and they are. Refreshments were served and gracious conversation was shared. Each time my son did or said something that was very mannerly, this was noted and he and I were both praised. This struck me as a little funny. I worked hard to make sure that Sam had great manners, but I also know him as someone who can be a rotten scoundrel at times! But he did not show any of that while we were with the family! We were soon joined by Nancy's oldest sister, Randy, who was named for my father. My brother, born soon after her, was also named Randy. We actually referred to them as Randy-girl and Randy-boy when we were growing up. LOL
As we were getting ready to leave, we were joined by Katie and Larry. Katie is the oldest of my cousins. She is the oldest daughter of my Aunt Kitty. Katie is the oldest of eight children. So along came her youngest sister Becky and her husband Bob. Then along came her sister Nancy, then her sister Eleanor and Eleanor's husband Mike. I just love my cousins. They are all just wonderful people. I consider myself blessed to be connected to all of these people.
We headed back over to the Super 8. John and Lenore were up and getting ready to go out with their friend Barry who was in Montreat for a music conference. After a rest, Dad, Emily Jean, Sam and I went over to the Black Mountain Cafe for dinner. It was pretty good! I love spending time with my father and stepmother. They are two of my favorite people in the whole world!

Towards the end of the picnic, a small group of us went down to the edge of the creek and spread Uncle Roddey's ashes. I added rose petals because he was a Master Gardener and would have loved that touch, I know. Then we gathered into a group hug and cried. Daddy said a beautiful prayer. This was a precious moment and I am so glad that I was a part of it.
After the picnic, we went back to the Lodge for a rest. Aunt Sissi and her beau (Bob) came over for dinner. Sam and I volunteered to go out and get Chinese. But the Chinese place was closed so we got BBQ instead. The eight of us feasted on BBQ, baked beans, potato salad, Brunswick stew, Texas toast and tea. Yummy! Then we had ice cream sandwiches for dessert. Then Sam went off with some cousins to a square dance. The rest of us hung out at the Lodge. Several cousins came by to visit.
Sunday morning, Sam slept in. John and Lenore drove over to Asheville to attend church with Barry. Dad and Emily Jean drove over to visit old friends. I had the Lodge to myself - ahhhhh - until Sam woke up. Then he and I went out to get some lunch. I got Wendy's and he had pizza. Dad and Emily Jean were back before too long, as were Lenore and John. Sunday night Sam was out again with cousins. The rest of us hung out at the Lodge, with visits from more cousins.
Monday morning we were all up and packing. Saying goodbye was hard!!! Sam & I got to the airport in time to catch an early flight home. This was a wonderful trip!